
15 Business Ideas for Entrepreneurial Teens

Photo by Elly Johnson on Unsplash

Are you a high school student who wants to start a business and earn some income? Check out the business ideas for teens in this post and get going.

Teens Can Keep It Local

The ideas in this section are ideal for teens who want to launch a business in their own neighborhood and provide physical services.

Computer Repair Service

Are you a tech-savvy teen? If so, don’t hesitate to offer computer services to your neighbors and friends. You might be surprised at how many people need help with their devices, and they’ll be happy to pay you for your services.

Just let it be known among your friends and neighbors that you’re skilled and available. You’ll have business lined up for the next few weekends before you know it.

Pet Sitting

Pet-sitting is a pretty commonplace business for teens, because people need someone to look after their pets from time to time. So if you enjoy being with animals and want to pick up a little money on the side, go for it.

Car Washing

All car owners want their cars to shine. So grab a bucket and some sponges, soft cloths, and cleaning products, and set aside an afternoon to go to work.

Teens who offer great service and deliver spotlessly clean cars to their customers will be sure to have repeat business. Moreover, do an exceptional job and your clients will happily share your contact details with their friends.

Handmade Jewelry for Other Teens to Purchase

Are you good at crafting? Then help other teens stand out in a crowd by selling them jewelry you’ve created yourself. Be serious about developing your business and running it well, and your venture could be the start of a successful worldwide company.

Lawn Care

Developing a successful lawn care business will require a lot of time and effort. But if your customers come to know that they can rely on you to do a good job, you can make a lot of money mowing lawns and pulling weeds.

Since lawns needs frequent maintenance, a hard-working teen can easily develop a business with plenty of regular customers.

Teens Can Develop Online Businesses

The Internet has brought significant opportunities for everyone, including teens. Check out some of our online business ideas for teens below.


Do you enjoy photography? This is good way tor talented teens to make some pocket money. Just grab your camera, take some shots, and look for the outlets where you can offer your photos online. It can take some time, but you can build a successful business this way.

Online Tutoring for Other Teens

Online tutoring is a great way for academically successful teens to earn money. For example, thousands of students require academic writing assistance. Sign up at an online education platform and start sharing your knowledge today.

Blogging Aimed at Teens

Do a lot of other teens follow you on social media? Then why not start a blog?

Once you have written a few posts, encourage your social media followers there to also follow your blog. When advertisers begin to take notice, you could make some serious money, just by doing something you love.

Online Store

Nowadays, it is easy to launch an e-store even if you’re a teen. Gone are the days when you had to use your parents’ garage as your product warehouse. Today, all you have to do is create a website, then base your online store on the drop shipping model. Let your online store lead you to success on the Internet.


Freelance Writing Services

A lot of teens search online to find the answer to the question, “Who can write this essay for me?” While of course you won’t actually write their essay for them, you can coach them to improve their own writing skills and earn better grades. If you have excellent writing skills, you can help other teens get higher grades and earn some money for yourself.

Web Development

Do you know the difference between markup and programming languages? Then put your coding skills to work. Create websites to order and sell them to clients online.

Live Streaming

With a desktop and access to the Internet you can create a business from your favorite hobby by streaming video games online. Some of the more successful gamers make well into the six figures annually. You could be one of the teens who joins them.


Graphic Design

Are you good at designing captivating graphics? If so, set yourself up to create logos for online clients. To get started, build your profile at one of the online freelance marketplaces such as Fiverr or Upwork.

Now Is a Great Time for Teens to Start a Business

We hope you’ve found a business idea that in this post that suits you. If none of these are exactly right for you, though, then let your imagination soar. Let it lead you to a unique business idea that is perfect for you.

To find more unique business ideas, whether you’re a teen or a teen at heart, be sure to browse our blog often.

The post 15 Business Ideas for Entrepreneurial Teens appeared first on Business Opportunities.

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Should B2B Marketers Embrace Ephemeral Content?

Burning Matches Emphemeral Content Image

Burning Matches Emphemeral Content Image

One great thing about being a young Gen X’er: There was no social media during my junior high and high school years. 

Young millennials weren’t so lucky. They chronicled their adolescence in excruciating detail on Myspace, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, every half-formed thought and laundry-detergent-eating stunt preserved forever.

So it’s no surprise that the youngest social media users leapt on Snapchat when it launched. Snapchat Stories provided the feeling of togetherness that social media’s good at, without the potential to embarrass your future self.

Other platforms were quick to buy into the idea of ephemeral content — content that expires and is deleted after a set period of time, usually 24 hours. Instagram’s creatively-named offering, Instagram Stories, boasts 500 million daily users. That’s more daily users for a single feature on Instagram than there are for the entirety of Twitter. 

But don’t count Twitter out just yet — they’re testing their own ephemeral content, called, unfortunately, “Fleets.” Even the level-headed folks at LinkedIn* are testing LinkedIn Stories with a handful of users.

For B2B content marketers, ephemeral content seems like the opposite of everything we try to do. DISPOSABLE content? No SEO value, no repurposing potential… what’s the point?

Should B2B marketers go ephemeral? It depends. Here’s what you need to know.

Ephemeral Content for B2B Marketers

Before we get into specifics, you should first consider ephemeral content the same way you would any content. I’d recommend asking the following four questions.

Four Questions B2B Marketers Should Ask about Ephemeral Content

These questions aren’t unique to ephemeral content, of course. They’re questions worth asking for any new marketing channel or tactic. They are:

  • Is my audience on this channel?
  • Is my audience consuming content on this channel?
  • Can we produce high-quality content for this channel?
  • Does this channel offer a logical next step for our audience?

For most B2b marketers, the answers to all these questions is “yes.” If your audience includes millennials or young Gen Xers, they’re likely on Instagram Stories at least. They’re used to the format and will likely be open to ephemeral content on LinkedIn and Twitter as it rolls out.

Can your brand produce high-quality ephemeral content? That’s one of the chief selling points of Stories — they’re easy and cheap to produce. There are robust tools for creating them built into the platforms that host them. And audiences expect a more informal, less-produced content experience.

As far as next steps go, Instagram Stories are actually more marketer-friendly than Instagram posts. Users can swipe up in a story to go directly to another piece of content, a lead gen form, or any other hyperlink. There’s no “Please visit the link in our bio” for Stories — it’s an immediate pass-through.

Now, if your offering skews more to the Boomer demographic, or you’re courting people too hip — or technology-averse — to be on social media, you might hold off. But it’s safe to say the majority of B2B marketers can get some juice out of ephemeral content.

How to Make the Most of Ephemeral Content for B2B

You don’t get the opportunity to build a content library with ephemeral content. By its nature, it should serve a different purpose than blog posts or eBooks. Think about building an audience and engaging them on a regular basis, rather than creating a library people wander in and out of.

Focus on Your People, Not Your Product

There are plenty of outlets for you to serve up product information and sales brochures. Ephemeral content is better suited for highlighting the people who work for your company. Focus on what makes them unique, what makes them relatable, and what makes them excellent at serving your customers. 

Mailchimp is great at this type of story. Their “Day in the Life” series highlights and celebrates individual employees.

[bctt tweet=”“Ephemeral content is better suited for highlighting the people who work for your company. Focus on what makes them unique, what makes them relatable, and what makes them excellent at serving your customers.” @NiteWrites” username=”toprank”]

Be Passionate about Purpose

For a growing majority of consumers, what a brand sells is less important than what the brand stands for. We’re looking to buy from businesses that share our values, and B2B buyers are no exception. Ephemeral content is a good way to get the message out about your brand’s larger purpose in the world, to highlight your vision for the future and your progress towards those goals. 

Lush is great at blending their purpose with their more product-centered ephemeral content. It only takes a few Instagram Stories to see exactly where they stand and what they value. 

Show Your Personality

If your organization is still looking for permission to loosen up a little, ephemeral content is your permission slip. It’s a format with lower audience expectations, one that’s focused on short-form, entertaining content, and one that won’t linger to haunt you until the end of time. 

So it’s well worth experimenting with your brand’s voice and personality. You may find that B2B buyers are just as starved for entertainment as the rest of us.

Cisco is absolutely killing it with their Stories right now. The playful, energetic tone isn’t what you would expect from a staid titan of industry, but it’s delightful to watch.

[bctt tweet=”“If your organization is still looking for permission to loosen up a little, ephemeral content is your permission slip.” @NiteWrites” username=”toprank”]

Serialize Your Content

Ephemeral content is all about building an audience that will make your feed appointment viewing. Serialized content can help establish that habit. There are a few easy ways to serialize:

  • Establish regular features, like Mantra Monday, Thoughtful Thursday, or Whiskey Wednesday (okay, maybe not the last one)
  • Chop up a long-form video into segments and air them sequentially
  • Focus on a different department every week to explore your organization

For longer-form serialized content, it’s worth creating an IGTV Series. Series come with tools to help you create and promote new episodes to bring in subscribers. Check out General Electric’s Taking the World to Work series for inspiration.

Let’s Get Ephemeral!

Ephemeral content is one of the primary ways people are using social media — which means it’s relevant for any B2B business with an audience on social platforms. Adding ephemeral content to your content marketing strategy will exercise a different set of muscles than your regular content creation, but it’s a form that rewards continued experimentation.

Need help with ephemeral or evergreen content? Our content marketing team is ready.

* Note: LinkedIn is a TopRank Marketing client.

The post Should B2B Marketers Embrace Ephemeral Content? appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

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Marketing Your eLearning Course Is Easier During Lockdown

Photo by Javier Quesada on Unsplash

Have you been having a tough time finding the right people for your eLearning course? Or have you been shying away from the idea of creating a course because you’re wary of marketing challenges?

Well, that’s a problem many trainers and course publishers have to face. However, this is a good time to challenge your thinking about that.

The world is locked down, and marketing your eLearning course can be easier than ever.

Wondering how? Here are four reasons why marketing our eLearning course is easier than ever during the lockdown.

So, buckle up, read on, and implement.

1. More Time Means You Can Explore More Marketing Opportunities for Your eLearning Course

As we are not going out, spending hours on things that don’t reap beneficial results, we can say that we have more time than we’ve had in a long while.

This means that we have the opportunity to invest more time in marketing channels and techniques that we didn’t have earlier.

So, whether it’s email marketing or SEO or paid ads campaigns, with more time, we can try more and more of these techniques. And if someone has already been working around these ideas, they can explore more opportunities like influencer marketing etc.

Indeed, the outbreak has led to some good things, especially when it comes to marketing your eLearning course.


2. Your Learners Have More Time and May Interact More Actively with Your eLearning Course

One common reason why many of us don’t sign up for anything new is the lack of time.

You too might have wanted to take those piano lessons but had to stall for the lack of time.

And that’s just one example. There can be several more for different people. The same holds true for your learners as well.

There are chances that they might have wanted to join your eLearning sessions earlier but couldn’t due to a lack of time.

Well, this is when you change that.

So, kick the barriers aside and start off with marketing your awesome eLearning course.

This is also a good reason why it’s a good time to create your eLearning course if you haven’t already. And with a good learning management system and the right authoring tool, it will become far easier than you ever imagined.

3. Paid Ads Are Costing Less

As the lockdown is affecting a large number of businesses, this effect is also being reflected on Facebook Ads and Google Adwords.

As a result, running campaigns for your eLearning course on these platforms currently costs way less than what it generally used to cost.

In fact, Facebook CPMs are down by 75%, and Google CPCs are down by almost 50%.

Does that smell like big savings on paid ads? Well, that’s just what it is.

This indicates that marketing for your eLearning course is easier and more economical right now.

4. More Collaboration Opportunities

One of the best things that are happening during the lockdown is that collaborations have become easier than ever.

As most of us are locked inside, influencers are taking collaboration opportunities more positively than they might usually do.

This can enable us to get in touch with more of them and convert more collaboration pitches.

So, prepare a good pitch for your eLearning course and send it off.

For a better idea of what you can collaborate for, a live quiz or a special guest session can be a good idea.

People are home, and if they like your idea, they may well attend these sessions.

Final Words

If you are a trainer or even a course publisher and haven’t tried much marketing, the idea of working on lead generation can come off as intimidating to you.

But don’t worry. This lockdown is the best time to try again and again.

So put these ideas for marketing your eLearning course to good use now—while you have plenty of time on your hands.

For more ideas to help you run your online business successfully, be sure to browse our blog frequently.

The post Marketing Your eLearning Course Is Easier During Lockdown appeared first on Business Opportunities.

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How to Flip a Website For Profit

If you are looking for a new business venture, an online one for that matter, you should see how you can flip a website and start earning a living.

What Does it Mean to Flip a Website? 

If you are going to flip a website, that means that you are the owner and the website or blog has been built and grown, and now you are ready to sell (give up your ownership rights) to someone else for money as a business transaction.

Why Would You Want to Flip a Website? 

For starters, there is a ton of money to make! Especially if you have a website that gets consistent traffic and it is already bringing in revenue. Others sell their websites and blogs because they no longer want to be a part or they see a good opportunity to make some money when selling. 

Many people will buy even starter websites. Basically they are already built when it comes to design, branding, social media accounts, and domain name before you inquire about purchasing. 

In other instances, the previous owner will go ahead and start writing content so while it is waiting to be sold, it can potentially start to be seen by Google.


Who Do You Flip a Website To?

There are many online brokers that this is strictly their area. Large websites like Flippa are a really good option. You can make a free account and create a listing while their brokers do the rest. 

You can also ask around in Facebook Blogging Groups. Being that this is somewhat a new business idea, people are aware of the amount of money that can be made and I see people all the time jumping when they hear someone is selling their site. 

The BEST Way to Flip a Website and Make Money

If you are brand new to the game and want to dive in headfirst, I highly recommend you take the Blog Flipping Masterclass

This course walks you through the entire process from start to finish. Not only does it cover the basics of building the site for CHEAP! It also gives you ways on how to market through social media, what NOT to do when it comes to getting traffic, SEO basics so that your website can be found and ranking on Google, and how to monetize it. 

Once you purchase the course you have LIFETIME access to the course itself and all of the future updates. You can access it over and over even after you build and flip your first site. 

After you get past the basics of the website itself, the course dives in on the legal part of how to flip a website, where to flip it, and how to get the website to the buyer. 

Chelsea, the creator of the Blog Flipping Masterclass, has pioneered her way to be known as the Blog Flipper! If you are truly interested in learning how to flip a website, this is the ONLY course you need! 

Below is a sneak peek of what the course offers:

flip a website course overview

How Do I Create and Sell a Website

If you are passing on the course for now and just want to get started on creating a website. Here’s how. 

  1. Purchase your domain name and hosting. We recommend Bluehost or Siteground for beginners, and you can get your domain from your host as well. Your domain name is the www.yourwebsitehere.com and your hosting is how you lease your space on the internet. They also offer you support anytime you need it. 
  2. Next, you will need a theme, which is what makes a website look and function the way it does. You can purchase a paid theme or use the Astra theme for free, which a lot of people do start out. However, if you are planning to flip a website YOU NEED A PREMIUM PAID THEME. 
  3. Do some research when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization). This is how people find you on Google. You do not want to build a website on a topic or around a niche that no one is searching for. We recommend Keysearch for SEO. Use KSDISC for a 20% discount when you use our link! It’s a great cheap tool that is very user friendly and provides lots of data for a fraction of the price when comparing to others. 
  4. After installing WordPress, you are ready to start creating content. 


Other things that You need to do after creating your website: 

  • Start your social media accounts 
  • Offer something for free on your site 
  • Start promoting your content 
  • Build your email list 

I know that this sounds like a lot, which is another reason we recommend the Blog Flipping Masterclass because you almost get a 2 in 1 course.

Chelsea teaches you all you need to know about building the site out and implementing it so that it is successful and desirable to buyers.

Afterward, you continuing learning about the marketing portion and ultimately flipping the blog or website to its new owner and making money while you do it!

Other courses you can take if you are interested in blogging and making money online:

The Blog Monetization Course 

Make money blogging – It’s time to make sense of affiliate marketing. This course teaches you how to implement strategies so that you can actually make a living from your blog. 

Traffic On Autopilot Book – The Essential SEO & Automation Guide 

Automation & SEO secrets to make your website run your business for you

Pinterest Marketing Course 

A constantly-updated Pinterest course that grows with you and all of Pinterest’s ever-changing rules and algorithm updates

Email Marketing Course 

Savvy techniques to start and grow, nurture & monetize your list

Be Your Own Blog Boss Bundle 

A collection of SIX of our best selling courses, one low price. The ultimate blog-to-biz roadmap for turning your blog into your business. See below for what is included. Monthly Payment Plans Available! 

overview for blogging and website courses

Learning how to flip a website does not have to be hard and people are waiting to jump on a new business opportunity!

Learn how to flip blogs and websites the easy way to make money! Here's everything you need to know when it comes to finding a broker, a website buyer, and how to build a profitable blog that you can actually sell!

The post How to Flip a Website For Profit appeared first on Business Opportunities.

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13 Ways B2B Influencer Marketing Offers Brands an Ideal Alternative to the Benefits of Physical Events

Table of graphs and charts with hands pointing at statistics image.

Table of graphs and charts with hands pointing at statistics image.

B2B influencer marketing is an ideal way for brands to drive digital conversations during the global health crisis, and we have 13 ways influencers can virtually deliver many of the benefits that have been lost due to postponed or cancelled real-world events.

With 45 percent of consumers spending more time on social media and 95 percent spending more time on in-home media consumption according to a recent GlobalWebIndex survey, now is an ideal time for brands to drive digital conversations using influencer marketing.

Another recent survey found that 92 percent of marketers believe putting on successful virtual events will be important or critical in the coming months.

Some brands have already chosen to postpone or cancel their events all the way through the middle of 2021, including major players Facebook and Microsoft.

Physical events typically offer a well-rounded array of benefits to everyone involved, from the organizers to attendees, exhibitors, partners, sponsors, speakers, and more.

Some of the traditional benefits of real-world events include:

  • Boosting Brand Awareness
  • Gaining New Audiences & Clients
  • Forging New Business Relationships
  • Building Highly Targeted Leads
  • Researching Competitors
  • Education
  • Creating Lasting Impressions
  • Networking
  • Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Providing Giveaway & Contest Opportunities
  • Saving Time with All-In-One Conference Experiences
  • Accessing Key People
  • Testing New Products & Services
  • Connecting with Attendees

As brands look to utilize virtual events it can be daunting to find relevant substitutes for all of these benefits that real-world events provide, and many have been asking themselves “How can I replace these key real-world event benefits?

Luckily, B2B influencers can readily provide strong alternative benefits that don’t require physical events, and we’ll look at what they can offer for each of the traditional event advantages.

How B2B Influencers Bring Back the Benefits of Physical Events

How can influencer marketing help B2B brands create new virtual versions of the kinds of experiences that they’ve typically gained from traditional real-world events that are now cancelled or postponed?

“By collaborating with influencers on educational, entertaining and interactive online content, B2B brands can satisfy the hunger buyers have for credible content experiences that engage and inspire,” Lee Odden, chief executive and co-founder of TopRank Marketing noted.

B2B influencers helping co-create and promote these types of engaging content experiences can be particularly powerful now, as consumers are forced to seek out inspiration in a virtual world to replace what they typically gain through attending real-world events.

In substituting virtual for real-world, our client Adobe’s annual Summit conference chose to explore a “choose your own adventure”-style virtual session selection experience — a type of content especially promotable using influencers.

“We decided the best way to do the storytelling was to allow a lot of user choice and not keep them captive,” Alex Amado, vice president of experience marketing at Adobe*, recently told Adweek.

“We felt ‘choose your own adventure’ was the best way for the audience to get more value out of it. When you’re online there are distractions, so we had to play to the situation as best we could,” Alex added.

Uniting influencers with customers and media should now be a key marketing focus for brands, according to public relations and marketing consultancy Edelman.

“Digital marketing provides unique opportunities for cross-promotion in partnership with customers, vertical media and influencers,” Edelman’s Joe Kingsbury and Ben Laws recently noted in “Beyond Conferences: How B2B Marketers Should Approach a Covid-19 World.”

[bctt tweet=”“By collaborating with influencers on educational, entertaining and interactive online content, B2B brands can satisfy the hunger buyers have for credible content experiences that engage and inspire.” @LeeOdden” username=”toprank”]

B2B Influencers Help Gain New Audiences & Clients

86 percent of marketers in charge of ad spend allocation said that they either might or definitely would use social media influencer marketing during the health crisis, topping a list of marketing strategies in a recent IZEA survey.

IZEA Chart

Tom Treanor, global head of marketing at our client Arm Treasure Data, sees strong opportunities for influencers as brands look to replace the benefits of real-world events.

“With in-person events on hold indefinitely, marketers have lost one major channel,” Tom noted.

“Events are a place to connect face-to-face with potential buyers, to share thought leadership and to gain visibility in their target markets. With that channel gone for now, it’s an important time to look at other available — and often under-utilized — channels, including influencer marketing,” Tom added.

“Working with influencers is a potentially valuable channel for many companies. Why? Because influencers are tapped into the current mood and interests of their audience. Their insights can help you craft your messaging to better resonate with your customers. More importantly, influencers are able to provide your company with additional reach into the influencers audiences,” Tom said.

“Lastly, influencers are able to work with your company to co-create content or to develop content on behalf of your brand. So, consider how you work with influencers in areas such as podcasts, webinars, live-streams, eBooks, blogs and social content. Are there ways that your marketing can be improved with the help of well-connected industry influencers?” Tom concluded.

Tom was one of our “50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers,” and was featured in our Break Free B2B  video interview series, exploring B2B marketing personalization.

Among the top ways companies will need to pivot in order to embrace B2B marketing in a post-real-world event environment is influencer marketing, according to author and technology advisor Bernard Marr.

“Digital is likely to be the clear winner here, and companies — including ones that may not so much as had a Facebook page before – will need to move into social marketing, content marketing, SEO and influencer-led campaigns,” Bernard wrote recent in the Forbes piece “Why Companies Turn To Digital Marketing To Survive COVID-19.”

[bctt tweet=”“Consider how you work with influencers in areas such as podcasts, webinars, live-streams, ebooks, blogs and social content. Are there ways that your marketing can be improved with the help of industry influencers?” @RtMixMktg” username=”toprank”]

B2B Influencers Help Promote New Products & Services

With the real-world events B2B brands normally attend cancelled or postponed, what roles can influencer marketing play in providing virtual alternatives to physical exhibition booths and traditional in-person product demonstrations?

“Influencer marketing’s importance went up when in-person events were canceled,” Debbie Friez, influencer marketing strategist at TopRank Marketing, said.

“Brands are fighting for attendee’s attention and time, and finding influencers are there to help to spread the news on their personal platforms about the virtual events,” Debbie explained.

“Plus, brands still need independent thought leaders for keynotes, moderators and panelists for their virtual events. We are finding influencers have been using virtual media for years, and can easily adapt to the changing landscape with both ideas and the know-how to use alternative presentation channels,” Debbie added.

During this global shift to a digital-first customer experience, marketers who incorporate empathy into their efforts are especially well-poised to deliver successful virtual experiences.

“Data-driven empathy is essential for personalization across customer and employee journeys,” Brian Solis, global innovation evangelist at Salesforce recently noted.

“There’s no going back to the world we once knew, the only way to get to the next normal is by plowing straight through disruption,” Solis added.

[bctt tweet=”“Influencer marketing’s importance went up when in-person events were canceled.” @dfriez” username=”toprank”]

B2B Influencers Bridge the Media Coverage Gap

What roles can influencer marketing play in providing virtual alternatives to the media coverage and product announcements typically gained from traditional physical events?

“B2B brands continue to impress me with how agile they’ve been with their marketing in the swiftly changing landscape,” Elizabeth Williams, TopRank Marketing account manager shared.

“Marketers are being ultra-cognizant of their messaging, publishing cadences, and ensuring their POVs and messaging on COVID-19 — or lack thereof — are aligned with their brand values. Influencer marketing is a fantastic way to bridge the gap between what once was our 2020 marketing plan and what we now need to achieve,” Elizabeth said.

“We can show our audiences we are tuned into their world by creating virtual experiences that inspire. And, what better way to do that than featuring credible industry experts and thought leader influencers?” Elizabeth added.

“Influencer-driven content can lead the conversation through live panels, webinars, podcasts and larger virtual events. Or, influencers can add a refreshing seasoning of the latest insights or advice on the changing marketplace. Think blogs, LinkedIn* articles, interactive assets, videos and social content,” Elizabeth suggested.

“Regardless of what tactics suit your business needs and objectives, I’d encourage every B2B marketer to step back and reflect on whether influencer marketing is a fit to take their content to the next level in today’s extra noisy virtual world,” Elizabeth concluded.

[bctt tweet=”Influencer marketing is a fantastic way to bridge the gap between what once was our 2020 marketing plan and what we now need to achieve.” @ElizabethW1057″ username=”toprank”]

Boosting Brand Awareness With B2B Influencers

What additional roles can influencer marketing play in driving virtual brand conversations and boosting brand awareness?

Now is a great time for B2B brands to utilize relevant industry influencers who can successfully drive virtual conversations that expand brand exposure and help with lead generation, as our president and co-founder Susan Misukanis explained.

“Partnering with influencers is more important now than it ever has been. Targeting the right influencer communities can be the best way to expand virtual event attendance and reach into a broader audience — who may not have planned to travel to your live event or conference,” Susan noted.

“If marketers focus on bringing true subject matter expertise to their audience — especially in partnership with influencers — I predict that virtual events will actually grow to be even better than live events for reaching and building positive awareness with an audience,” Susan added.

Industry writer Katie Sehl recently suggested in a HootSuite article about the rise of virtual events that influencers take advantage of the social stories format, including hosting influencer takeovers — another way that influencers can drive brand conversations.

“Speakers often double as influencers — so provide them with the details they need to become event ambassadors,” Katie noted, highlighting the strength of influencers when it comes to digitally replacing some of the key benefits of real-world events.

HubSpot’s Caroline Forsey encouraged organizations adjusting to virtual events to implement “breakout sessions led by influencers and experts,” another way influencers can help brands replace some of their former real-world event momentum with online efforts.

[bctt tweet=”Partnering with influencers is more important now than it ever has been. Targeting the right influencer communities can be the best way to expand virtual event attendance and reach into a broader audience.” @smisukanis” username=”toprank”]

Begin Or Expand Your B2B Influencer Marketing Program

As we’ve seen, successful B2B influencer marketing has much to offer for brands seeking to replace the benefits of real-world events while they’re on hiatus due to the global health crisis.

Implementing a successful program takes time, effort, and dedicated strategy, which leads many brands to use a top B2B influencer marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing, which was the only B2B marketing agency offering influencer marketing as a top capability in Forrester’s “B2B Marketing Agencies, North America” report.

[bctt tweet=”Successful B2B influencer relationships take time to build and require time to maintain.” @LeeOdden” username=”toprank”]

Whether you work with a top B2B influencer marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing or utilize your own team, now is an ideal time to reach B2B influencers and work together to drive digital brand conversations.

Finally, as we all navigate the uncharted marketing waters of the global health crisis, here are several additional resources to help keep your B2B influencer marketing efforts safely afloat:

* Note: Adobe and LinkedIn are TopRank Marketing clients.

The post 13 Ways B2B Influencer Marketing Offers Brands an Ideal Alternative to the Benefits of Physical Events appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

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Entrepreneur Amit Raizada on Failure and Success

Image by GuHyeok Jeong from Pixabay 

Successful entrepreneur Amit Raizada has experienced both wins and losses in his career. In a recent interview, he shared some reflections on both.

The COVID-19 Pandemic Threatens Failure for Many Small Businesses

Between millions filing for unemployment and fluctuations in the stock market, the economy is poised for months of uncertainty. While the government’s stimulus package will help relieve some of the pain, Wall Street’s spasms are quickly becoming Main Street’s suffering.

By disrupting international supply chains and rapidly reshaping consumer behavior, analysts fear that the COVID-19 pandemic could prove fatal not just to millions of people, but also to many small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurial ventures.

We sat down with Amit Raizada, a venture capitalist and CEO of Spectrum Business Ventures, who shared some critical insights on how to think about failure. He urges owners of small businesses to stay ready for future business success when things turn around.

“What pains me most about this situation is knowing that the COVID-19-borne economic downturn will prove fatal to many small businesses and newly minted firms,” said Raizada, who has spent more than twenty years in venture capital. “It’s a shame that innovative entrepreneurs who’ve worked hard and played by the rules will fail at the hands of the epidemic and its recessionary wake.

“But I urge entrepreneurs not to give up hope,” he continued. “I’ve come to realize that, in the eyes of an investor, past failures act more like prerequisites than disqualifiers. While I’d never encourage entrepreneurs to take uncalculated risks, every successful businessperson has failed at some point. In many ways, failure is inseparable from the process of innovation.”

Raizada said there are both constructive and destructive ways to fail. Be graceful, he said. Acknowledge defeat and look toward the future. Don’t chastise business partners or burn bridges.

Here are some of Raizada’s tips on how to fail in the right way and how to convert failure into future success.

Raizada Counsels: Own It and Learn from It

People often react to failure by simply shutting down. They block it out of their heads, refusing to think about what happened or to analyze what went wrong.

But Raizada said that a successful entrepreneur looks for the opportunity in failure.

“While losing a business is always heartbreaking, stepping away and refusing to conduct a postmortem will just make the situation worse,” he said. “If you’re going to fail, you might as well own it. Use it as an opportunity to examine what went wrong, what you did well, and how you can adjust your model for the future.”

Owning failure is also key to preserving relationships with business partners and investors, Raizada emphasized.

“Sure, it didn’t work out this time. But that doesn’t mean you’re consigned to failure in all future ventures,” he said. “Your partners today could be your partners or investors down the line. Never unnecessarily burn a bridge.”

Don’t Hide Failure from Future Investors

Just as you should be forgiving of your current partners, you should be forthcoming about your failed venture with future investors, says Amit Raizada.

The conventional wisdom is that failure is a good way to get yourself blacklisted with venture capitalists. Reality, Raizada said, couldn’t be further from the truth.

“While venture capitalists always engage innovators with proven track records of success, true innovation is a process. The best strategic partners are those who have experienced—and learned from—past failures,” Raizada said.

Raizada explained it like this:

All entrepreneurs have failed at some point. But if you’ve failed in the past and have learned from your mistakes, the odds are slim you’ll repeat those same missteps. Admitting your failures puts investors’ minds at ease.

“What you shouldn’t do is cover up your failed former venture,” Raizada said. “Just be honest. You won’t scare investors away. Instead, you may just attract them.”

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Family Nurse Practitioner: Is It the Right Career Move?

Whether you are unhappy in your current nursing job or are looking for a more challenging role in healthcare, you might be thinking of becoming a family nurse practitioner (FNP). Will you enjoy the role? Use this guide to help you decide if this type of career is right for you.

Set Your Own Schedule

If you are looking for a flexible career, you can find it as an FNP. While other nursing roles may have you working inconvenient shifts, you’ll have more autonomy over your schedule as a family nurse practitioner.

Having this flexibility is great for any busy adult who has multiple responsibilities, including:

  • Kids
  • Aging parents
  • School
  • Another job

Being able to set your own hours can allow you to balance home and professional life more easily. For example, it can give you the freedom to take vacations with your kids during the weeks when you want to go, rather than the weeks when your employer says it’s convenient for you to do so.

Even your schooling to become a family nurse practitioner can be flexible when you choose an online option. For example, Carson-Newman University offers FNP online programs that enable you to study and do coursework anywhere and anytime, depending on what is convenient for you. 

Satisfy Your Need for More Challenge

If your current position no longer interests you, the reason could be that you’re seeking something more challenging professionally. Over time, your working life might have become comfortable, but it no longer stimulates your mind.

That’s not to say that you’re not great at your job. Instead, you may just have outgrown it. And if you’re not learning, you’re not growing. Perhaps you want to enhance your nursing skills but haven’t yet found something that seems suitable.

As a family nurse practitioner, you will do more advanced health assessments of patients of all ages and genders, which you likely have not done before. With the proper schooling, you will also learn how to provide and manage client care at an in-depth level. 

And boredom won’t be a concern. Every day will look different as you help people directly in various ways, including:

  • Reviewing patient schedules
  • Suturing lacerations
  • Advising a mom on breast feeding
  • Draining abscesses
  • Arranging for rotation replacements
  • Checking equipment

The wide range of tasks is evident from the list above. You will deal with many healthcare needs and can do so regularly.

There are also follow-up visits with patients. Working directly with patients will likely help invigorate your love of nursing, which can get lost with administrative degrees that take you more behind the scenes in healthcare.

Family Nurse Practitioners Get Better Pay

Nurse practitioners with more education can expect to receive a better salary. While the pay differs per state, the national average is $110,030.

That number is double the annual median wage of Americans, which is $51,960. Even the lowest-paying states for nurse practitioners are about 40 percent higher than the average salaries. California, Alaska, and Massachusetts are in the top three spots, respectively. Among the reasons for those states having better pay is their higher standard of living.

Regardless of where you live, though, you can complete the FNP program at Carson-Newman University in as short a time as 32 months. Then you will qualify for those higher-paying practitioner jobs. That is an exciting prospect for many. 


You can expect to earn more than a registered nurse, for example. Of course, this additional pay comes with additional responsibilities. An FNP is as close to the role of a family physician as possible. It’s great to see that your challenging work gets rewarded financially so that you can provide a high quality of life for yourself and your family, and still make a contribution to others’ lives as well.

Give in to Your Desire to Help Others

The role of a family nurse practitioner is a selfless one. It focuses on providing a high level of holistic primary care to families and individuals. 

In this role, you will work directly with patients, rather than staying behind the scenes in a more administrative position. So if you enjoy being able to play a role in improving the health and wellness of others, then your personality is a good fit for an FNP role.

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” – John Holmes

A big reason why many people want to help others is expressed well in the quote above. Helping others feels good for you, too, as the giver. It’s that “warm glow” that some people talk about after volunteering, for example.

family nurse practitioner

Among the reasons why helping others elicits positive feelings is that it strengthens a sense of connection with others. Knowing you’re not alone and can make someone else’s day better meets the desire to feel related to others.

In addition, helping others provides meaning in your work. Finding a bigger purpose for what you do in your career can motivate you to get out of bed and do your best day after day. The big picture matters, and you’re doing big things for your patients as an FNP.

Choose a Career as a Family Nurse Practitioner

Now that you know more about working as a family nurse practitioner, you can determine if it is the right career path for you. It provides a high salary, on average, and enables you to work directly with patients every day to improve their health and wellness.

Look forward to days that are both challenging and rewarding. With no two days looking the same, you won’t be bored or wonder if you are making a difference in the world. 

If you are looking for a profession that allows you to help others while having a flexible schedule, then going back to school for an FNP online program might be the next step for you. With programs such as those available from Carson-Newman University, you can pursue your education while still working and maintaining a life-work balance. Pursue a career that you can feel good about when you become a family nurse practitioner.

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How Search Engines Can Help You Promote Your Business

Photo by Webaroo on Unsplash

A few years ago, there were only a few places where you could promote your business. For example, there were billboards, newspapers, brochures, and television. That was about it.

What’s more, things were pretty simple then. Each business owner just put up their promotional material on one of the available channels. However, only big businesses got to make full use of these techniques, because most of them were expensive. And they weren’t all that cost-effective, either, nor were the results measurable.

But today, we have the gift of search engines. Search engines have changed the world of advertising, and now you have more power for promoting your business online.

What’s more, if you follow the “rules” for building organic SEO, you can build a name for your company. More eyes will see your brand than ever could have happened in the old days.

So are you up-to-date with the whole search engine and online marketing game? Perhaps the following ways of promoting your business by using search engines can help. Read on to learn more.

Promote Your Business Through Content and Keywords

Content and keywords make up the primary way that search engines help you promote your business. To take advantage of this method, post quality content on your website. Then, place specific keywords in that content that your customers will most likely use to search for businesses like yours.

In this way, you will gain traffic and move higher in the search engine results pages, or SERPs. This is probably the best way to promote your business online.

Here is how SERPs work: The bots on a search engine such as Google search for relevant and authentic blog posts. They look for keywords within that content and list those keywords on their results pages according to how well people engage with them. The more engagement your keywords have, the higher they will rank.

When as a business owner you take part in this exercise, you are practicing good search engine optimization (SEO) to promote your business.


So do your part. That is, post engaging blogs and place relevant keywords in them to get the attention of the search engines’ bots. If you don’t feel up to the task, hire a reliable SEO firm such as Aseoservices. They will do the work for you in a professional manner.

Just remember that SEO is crucial for every business. In order to progress on the Internet and pull in organic traffic, you need to actively promote your business using these methods.

Promote Your Business With Paid Ads

You can also promote your business on Google and Bing with paid ads.

When you pay to place an ad with one of the search engines, your ads will pop up to the top of customers’ searches when they type in the relevant keywords. Your ads can include images, contact information, address, direction, reviews, and so on. This makes paid ads a good way to promote your business.

When you use paid ads, you will pay a small fee each time someone clicks on your ad. This is called pay-per-click (PPC). Even if you have to pay for ads, though, you can generally count on a positive return on your investment (ROI). In fact, for most businesses, the result is cost-effective, making paid ads an effective way to promote your business.

To place a paid ad, go to AdWords or another ads-generating site for Google or Bing. Then bid on keywords for your ads. This means you’re counting on those keywords to be the keywords your customers will use when they need to purchase something you sell on the Internet.

Paid ads are an important addition to organic SEO. Both of these practices work best when they are used together. Whether you pay for ads or use organic methods, you will be using what are called search engine marketing (SEM) strategies.

Use Search Engines to Build Links with Other Sites

Promoting your site with search engines isn’t tricky. However, it takes effort and patience to see results and maintain them for the long term. Once your site starts to get noticed, though, you’ll enjoy greater profit and higher rankings.

Another way search engines can help you promote your business is by grading your links on other sites and evaluating your site’s worth accordingly. In other words, the more times your site’s links show up on others’ sites, the higher your site will rank.

To promote your business in this way, work with other site owners and post as a guest on their sites. This is called guest posting or guest blogging.

Guest posting can help you with link building on sites that have higher authority according to the search engines. Google encourages this technique, as it favors sites that others turn to for information, or high authority sites. Then, Google also favors any site the higher authority site recommends.

So build relationships with high authority sites. Post as a guest with them when you can, and place links to your site in the content. To simplify your efforts, you can outsource the writing. Do this well, and you will rank higher on search engine results.


Use all of these methods and you will be using best practices for promoting your business in the age of search engines. To learn more about how to use search engine marketing, browse our blog often.

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Business Information Updates During COVID-19 Breakout

Over recent months, the world has been plunged into chaos as a result of the COVID-19 breakout. This pandemic has affected continents across the planet. The breakout has resulted in mass lockdowns, affected jobs, and impacted economies. We are experiencing a devastating effect on day-to-day life. In addition, the breakout is seriously affecting businesses. Some businesses close while others change their hours to stay active. Under these conditions, business information updates on websites and social media make the difference for survival.

Businesses have been affected in various ways depending on the nature of the business. Some, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, are working harder than ever. Still other businesses are classified as nonessential. These have been forced to close down during the peak of the pandemic. For businesses that have been affected by closures or changed hours, it is vital to keep customers updated. Business owners must focus on ensuring accurate, updated business information. Thankfully, there are various ways this can be done online.

Business Information Updates via Social Media

Keeping your business information updated at this difficult time is vital for both your business and your customers. One of the easiest ways to provide updates on closures, changes in opening hours, online ordering, and deliveries is via social media. This will not take up a huge amount of your time. Also, social media allows others to pass on information by sharing your posts. You can provide brief posts, or you can even post a link to an information page on your website.

Google My Business

You should also update your profile on Google My Business. Google My Business updates search results in real time. This way, customers receive updated business information and view the key details at a glance. When you update your profile, it will automatically update the key details both on Google Search and Google Maps. So you can be sure that those looking for information will be able to see your main business details quickly. They won’t likely spend much time trawling the Internet trying to find more information.

Business Information Updates
Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels

Business Information Updates via Email Messaging

Sending update emails is another way to use digital technology in order to keep your customers informed. This is especially true for your business operations during the COVID-19 outbreak. People will be keen to know what is going on with your business. You can help them out by sending the information directly to their inboxes. In addition, if you tend to send out email newsletters to your customers, make sure your information is updated.


Helping Your Business and Your Customers

Make sure all of your details are current and available online. Doing so helps both your business and your customers. Focus on wherever customers go to find information about your business. Key data, such as opening hours and deliveries, must be current in order to serve your customers well.

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Break Free B2B Marketing: Sruthi Kumar on Creating Memorable Experiences

Break Free B2B with Sruthi Kumar

Break Free B2B with Sruthi Kumar

Marketers are in the business of attracting attention. All of our tactics, our strategies, our goals boil down to: Did we get someone’s attention and inspire them to take action?

The key to modern marketing is that we have to earn that attention. There will always be someone on who is louder, funnier, more talented, or just less shameless than your brand is willing to be. The only way to truly capture and sustain someone’s focus is to earn the right to their time. 

How do you earn attention? By providing remarkable experiences. By showing you care about your audience, you know who they are, and that your brand is here to help and to entertain them. 

For our latest Break Free video, we talked to a marketer who is helping marketers offer more memorable experiences. Sruthi Kumar is the Senior Marketing Manager at Sendoso, a platform that coordinates direct mail and gifting campaigns for personalization at scale.

Sruthi and I sat down to talk about experiential marketing in all its forms: Event marketing, direct mail, content and beyond. We also dig deeper into the philosophy of marketing. Should marketers specialize in a certain aspect of marketing, or should we be taking a more holistic approach? Can left-brained content folks and right-brained strategy folks get along… and really, is it that simple of a divide? Sruthi has some inspiring thoughts on all of the above.

Oh, and along the way, Sruthi shares how she built a marketing department from the ground up, taking Sendoso from a small start-up to competing with the big brands.

 [bctt tweet=”I think what we’re really trying to do is bridge that online and offline experience. @sruthikkumar” username=”toprank”]



1:00: Direct mail plus digital marketing for unforgettable experiences

5:45: Marketing to delight your audience

7:40: Building a marketing department from the ground up

11:05: Tactics for earning attention at marketing events

18:15: Marketing requires creative and analytical thinking 



So tell me a little bit about Sendoso. What is it? What do you do?


We’re a sending platform, so we really help our customers reach their customers and prospects in a meaningful way by sending company swag, direct mail, sweets and treats, handwritten notes, the whole nine yards, in order to make really human connections with their prospects and customers.


Do you feel like this going back to a more simpler form of marketing compared to digital marketing? Do you feel like that’s more effective as our world gets more digital?


So I actually think they go hand in hand. What we’re trying to do is really bridge that online and offline experience. So not to say that digital marketing does not work. I’m a marketer. I run our field marketing team, we use digital heavily, but it’s just about bringing all the channels together to create that seamless experience for the end user, and that person that you want to book a meeting with or have a signed contract with or whatever else you need from them.

[bctt tweet=”It’s about bringing all the channels together to create that seamless experience for the end user, that person who you want to book a meeting with or have a signed contract with. @sruthikkumar” username=”toprank”]

We are moving to an ABM approach when we are doing our events, because sometimes you get to large audiences and it’s hard to really get in contact with anyone. The beautiful thing about our product is that anyone can use it in any vertical. It’s direct mail: If you’re selling, you can use it. If you’re trying to reach an audience, you can use it. 

We do the double funnel approach at Sendoso. We do have demand gen tactics while we also have ABM tactics as well. 

I had an interview that was my first internship as a marketer. The CMO asked me, ‘Are you analytical? Or are you creative?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know, I feel like I’m a little bit of both.’ 

And she said, ‘You can’t be both.’ And I just want to call her now, because you have to be both. I may not be the most analytical person on my team. But I get to work with this marketing ops manager. We built our team together, and she’s very analytical. I get to learn from her and understand how would my MOPS person do this. And that’s the cool stuff that you get to take with you. 

As a marketer, you should be well rounded — you’re a content marketer, but you could put a demand gen campaign together.


 We just love this binary of left brain versus right brain. But then you get this idea that oh, well, the creative types are just sitting up there in their beanbag chairs with the lava lamps going, ‘Oh, wouldn’t it be cool if we did this?’ And then on the other hand is a bunch of robots who are crunching numbers. For some people, those things are going to overlap into a circle and some are somewhere on the continuum, but you can’t be just one or the other. 

[bctt tweet=”People ask, ‘Are you analytical or are you creative?’ But you have to be both… As a marketer, you should be well rounded: You’re a #contentmarketer, but you could put a demand gen campaign together. You’re not just writing. @sruthikkumar” username=”toprank”]


With all those marketing activities that we’re supposed to do, some people are just doing the check-boxes. That’s totally fine, but I think you should bring your personality into it. I think so many of us are so scared. Like having our corporate voice, but I think our personal voice should be in there too. 

I think the only reason why Sendoso did stand out in the early days is because we got to incorporate so many of our early founders’ and members’ own personalities into the brand. And even the way we pitch our product today is by the voices of our sales team and our marketing team, our co-founders and c-suite. So I think it’s just about being okay with being yourself and incorporating that into your whole corporate brand.

[bctt tweet=”I think the reason Sendoso did stand out in the early days is we got to incorporate so many of our early founders’ own personalities. It’s about being okay with being yourself and incorporating that into your corporate brand. @sruthikkumar” username=”toprank”]


Stay tuned to the TopRank Marketing Blog and subscribe to our YouTube channel and podcast for more Break Free B2B interviews. Here are a few to whet your appetite:

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